Fire extinguishers

NEVER use water on a grease fire!

Remember to only use a fire extinguisher for fires you can control safely i.e. not large fires. The main concern is to get everyone out safely and to contact the fire department

Types of Fire Extinguishers:

extinguisher a extinguisher a extinguisher a extinguisher a extinguisher a
For use with ordianary materials like cloth, wood or paper. For use with combustible and flammable liquids like grease, gasoline, oil and oil-based paints. For use with electricle equipment like appliances, tools, or other equipment that is plugged in. For use with flammable metals. For use with vegetable oils, animal oils and fats in cooking appliances.
Often found in homes and businesses Often found in homes and businesses Often found in homes and businesses Often found in factories Often found in commercial kitchens

Residential fire extinguishers come in many combinations, make sure you have the appropriate extinguisher for the area it will be placed.


How do I use a Fire Extinguisher?



Will the fire department refill my extinguisher?

We're sorry, but we do not provide this service.  However, you can search the internet for a local commercial companies that will provide this service.  Most residential fire extinguishers can't be recharged/filled and must be discarded after use.  It would be a good idea to know what expiration date is on your fire extinguisher and replace it before that date.